Wednesday 21 June 2023

Bible Book:

The next day John again was standing with two of his disciples, and as he watched Jesus walk by, he exclaimed, 'Look, here is the Lamb of God!' (vs 35-36)

John 1: 35-51 Wednesday 21 June 2023

Psalm 54


The call of the disciples in John’s Gospel is full of deep meaning and nuance. John doesn’t hesitate to proclaim who Jesus is, “Behold, the Lamb of God!” (v. 36) and, recognising the revolutionary significance of this proclamation, two disciples immediately follow him. Jesus’ response, “What are you looking for?” is a model for missional encounter. Jesus invites his followers to examine their own motives and to reflect on their heart’s desire. He doesn’t impose himself. And when they ask “Where are you staying?” his reply is simply “Come and see.” It is an invitation to meet him, to encounter him and to make their own discernment about him and choose their own response.

The question of the disciples might also be phrased, “Where are you present?” The response indicates that if we follow him, we will find him – and as we reflect on the subsequent life and ministry of Jesus, we realise that we will find him in the most unexpected, unlikely places. But there is no obligation, no coercion on the part of Jesus. The disciples went and spent time with him. We are not told what happened during this time, but through that remarkable encounter, Andrew’s faith was firmly established. He went and told his brother, Simon “We have found the Messiah.” (Andrew was therefore the first person after John to recognise the divine identity of Jesus.) And when Jesus saw Simon, the humble fisherman, he saw in him the qualities that would make him the leader of the disciples and later, the community of faith. 

The call of Philip in the second part of today's passage followed a similar pattern. Jesus’ words "Follow me" have great breadth and depth, and knowing what we know now, provide much ground for reflecting on what following Jesus really means. When Philip invited Nathanael, who famously mocked Jesus’ provenance from Nazareth, “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” (v. 46) Philip echoed Jesus’ response – “Come and see”. Already, Philip had learned that it is only by responding, acting and engaging with Jesus that we will experience and know the reality of Christ’s person in our lives. And when Nathanael did, all his prejudices and negativity were washed away. He was never the same again.


To Ponder:

  • How would you have responded to John’s proclamation, or to Jesus’ call to "Follow me"?
  • What does ‘following Jesus’ really involve?
  • How do we receive the strength to be true disciples?
  • Have you responded to Jesus’ invitation to "Come and see"? Where have you found him and how are you changed by responding to his call? 


O Lord our God, whose we are and whom we serve, help us to respond to the call of your son Jesus Christ. Give us the grace to ‘come and see’ and to ‘rest’ in him, and so be strengthened to commit ourselves to your service, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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